Popcorn, popcorn, (bounce baby on knee)
Put it in the pot!
Shake it! Shake it! (gently shake and tickle baby)
Pop, Pop, POP! (lift baby in the air)
Here is the beehive, (make a fist)
But where are all the bees?
Hidden away where nobody sees,
Open it up and look inside,
1..2..3..4..5 (Open fist by counting on each finger)
Buzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz! (Bees tickle baby)
Cheeky, Cheeky Chin:
(Point to baby's features while singing)
Eyes, nose, cheeky, cheeky, chin!
Eyes, nose, cheeky, cheeky, chin!
Eyes, nose, cheeky, cheeky, chin!
Cheeky, cheeky, chin, nose, eyes!
Apple Tree:
Way up high in an apple tree, (bounce baby on knee)
I saw a little baby smiling at me,
So I shook that tree as hard as I could, (tickle baby)
Down came the baby,
Mmmm, mmmm, good! (give baby hugs and kisses)
What Shall We Do With a Tiny Baby?:
What shall we do with a tiny baby? (bounce baby on knee)
What shall we do with a tiny baby?
What shall we do with a tiny baby,
Early in the morning.
Roll him around and tickle him all over. (tilt baby in a circular motion and tickle baby)
Roll him around and tickle him all over.
Roll him around and tickle him all over,
Early in the morning.
Heave ho! And up she rises, (lift baby in the air)
Heave ho! And up she rises,
Heave ho! And up she rises,
Early in the morning.
Mother and Father and Uncle John:
Mother and Father and Uncle John (bounce baby on knee)
Went to town one by one.
Mother fell off (tip baby to left)
And Father fell off (tip baby to right)
But Uncle John went on and on and on . . . (bounce baby quickly up and down)
The Dog Goes to Dover:
Leg over leg, (bounce baby on knee)
As the dog goes to Dover.
When he comes to a wall,
Jump! He goes over! (lift baby up)
This is the Way the Ladies Ride:
This is the way the ladies ride, (bounce baby on knee)
the ladies ride, the ladies ride.
This is the way the ladies ride,
so early in the morning.
This is the way the gentleman ride, (bounce baby quickly)
the gentleman ride, the gentleman ride.
This is the way the gentleman ride,
so early in the morning.
This is the way the farmers ride, (bumpy bounces)
the farmers ride, the farmers ride.
This is the way the farmers ride,
so early in the morning!